PCE Integration: California Center for the Arts, Escondido

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The PCE San Diego team installed a brand new Yamaha Rivage PM5 at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. This top-of-the-line audio console will serve CCAE for countless years to come. Audio engineers will have a wonderful time using the console for plays, concerts, lectures, and other live events.

In this video, PCE Senior Account Executive Christian Canter and PCE Production Manager/Audio Specialist Tom Pappanduros discuss the capabilities of the Yamaha Rivage PM5 and how it will change things at CCAE moving forward.

"This is one of the best sounding and performing consoles that exists right now," says Pappanduros. "Yamaha just makes wonderful, wonderful products, very durable and long lasting."

Want some specs? In terms of channel count, the PM5 can accommodate 323 input channels. Three touch screens can be split up between multiple engineers, or used by one operator. Each bay has 12 faders and can manipulate any part of the system.

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